
The Hedgebook collection

Insights, updates and learnings
Looking beyond AI: FX Sales Teams tech for success
Looking beyond AI: FX Sales Teams tech for success
An article in South African Treasurer Magazine provided interesting insight into FX Hedging in the age of big data and AI. Hedgebook fits into this world, helping create a data-drive environment for FX Sales Teams
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Hedgebook Interest Rate Swap Tutorial – with Example
Hedgebook Interest Rate Swap Tutorial – with Example
This easy to read guide - based on our interest rate swap tutorial eBook - is a great place to start understanding everything related to IRS (interest rate swaps). Not only covering how IRS work but valuations and reporting as well.
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An Introduction to Currency Risk for Importers and Exporters
An Introduction to Currency Risk for Importers and Exporters
Importers and exporters face the daunting task of dealing with foreign exchange risk that can easily alter revenues; those with smaller cash reserves are impacted the most - but they certainly aren't alone.
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The Absa Hedgebook story: bank driven FX hedging innovation
The Absa Hedgebook story: bank driven FX hedging innovation
Absa CIB – one of South Africa’s leading commercial banks and an industry innovator – recently revealed its Hedgebook story. It has given us a great example of bank driven FX hedging innovation to share.
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New interest rate risk management functionality
New interest rate risk management functionality
Many corporates use interest rate derivatives to manage their interest rate risk. A recent surge in organisations using interest rate derivatives to manage their debt position has renewed interest in this topic.
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Lessons from London: banks, fintechs and going digital
Lessons from London: banks, fintechs and going digital
Hedgebook CEO Richard Eaddy recently spent a few weeks in London catching up with corporate clients, banks, brokers and other fintech providers - here are some of the lessons he learnt.
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Forex Dashboard Revealed: Hedgebook’s FX Exposure Tool
Forex Dashboard Revealed: Hedgebook’s FX Exposure Tool
It often surprises users to discover Hedgebook’s FX Exposure Tool dashboard capability is exactly that - the FX risk management dashboard they have been looking for - in disguise. The range of functionality may surprise you.
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Five reasons why you need an effective FX Exposure Tool
Five reasons why you need an effective FX Exposure Tool
Having the right tools can be the difference between success and stagnation.  For those managing foreign currencies having an effective FX exposure tool to help manage the forex risk can be an absolute game-changer - let's find out why.
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Five things banks look for in a client FX management solution
Five things banks look for in a client FX management solution
Banks everywhere are on a digital transformation journey. They want to use technology to equally drive greater customer satisfaction and operational efficiencies. So what was top of mind in our discussion with global treasury teams?
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Hedgebook 2023 User Survey – more hedging, greater efficiency
Hedgebook 2023 User Survey – more hedging, greater efficiency
This year’s record response to the Annual Hedgebook  User Survey has surfaced some interesting results as greater volatility is continuing to drive both more Interest Rate and FX Hedging activity - a big thanks to those who took part.
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Essential hedge effectiveness testing: methods and importance
Essential hedge effectiveness testing: methods and importance
Ensuring the changes in fair value of a hedge adequately offset the changes in fair value of the hedged item can be critical. Kevin Mitchell, MD of Hedge Effective Advisory, explores a range of hedge testing methods.
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The Complete Guide to Calculating fx forward points
The Complete Guide to Calculating fx forward points
Every year thousands of readers like you benefit from this common-sense approach to the calculation of foreign exchange (FX) forward points. First published 10 years ago, we regularly review and update it.
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Treasury Reflections – looking back over the last two years
Treasury Reflections – looking back over the last two years
In this guest blog, Head of Bancorp Treasury Services, Dean Sharrar, takes a timely look at his 'treasury reflections' examining what was a very different 2021 and 2022 to what anyone would have previously predicted. 
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Hedgebook User Survey: more FX Hedging, more frequently
Hedgebook User Survey: more FX Hedging, more frequently
Five key learnings from this year's Hedgebook Annual User Survey. There are some interesting trends as greater volatility is driving more FX Hedging activity and this is confirmed across our user base.
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Banks have real opportunity in FX hedging for SMEs
Banks have real opportunity in FX hedging for SMEs
There is ongoing discussion around the lack of digital innovation by banks in the SME lending space. This resonates with Hedgebook as it also relates to banks and how they manage foreign exchange hedging for SMEs.
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5 reasons why FX Sales Teams need a Client Dashboard
5 reasons why FX Sales Teams need a Client Dashboard
FX sales teams work portfolios of customers managing multiple currency hedging instances across each one. This blog explores five ways in which a Client Dashboard can help surface opportunities - and a lot more.
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